As the Copy Director for Tag Communication Services, I direct a team of creatives for a wide range of assets, from social media posts and blogs to event materials and marketing brochures. This is a small sample of the thousands of projects I have contributed to in my time with Tag servicing our largest client, SAP.
SAP Social Sabbatical Landing Page
Crafted the template and content for multiple stories for the SAP Social Sabbatical landing page, editing stories from non-writers to create a consistent tone, message, and takeaway for a wide potential audience. Worked with writers and stories from around the world, and coordinated with a large team to help build a beautiful page to support an important mission. Visit the SAP Social Sabbatical page.
Twitter Cards
Wrote Twitter cards to promote an IDC whitepaper - pulled information from the whitepaper that was compelling and likely to support the call to action to read the paper and deploy the new technology.
Wrote pages for the new Website using metadata guidelines, software specs, and a variety of source documents. Pages I wrote include Internet of Things, Big Data, and Defense and Security.

Simplify.IT E-Zine
Contributed editing and writing for the SAP industry e-zine Simplify.IT. Wrote the introduction and edited blog posts by industry thought leaders, formatting them into magazine articles for a wide audience. Read Simplify.IT